Monday, November 1, 2010

Tigress Class Announced!

As EVERYONE should know, Diablo 3 is on its way. This is a little late in reposting, but the Tigress class has been announced. I am always the bow character in MMOs, so I've been waiting for the Amazon or Amazon replacement class to be announced. Now we have the Demon Hunter! It looks like the assasin and the amazon classes were just smooshed together to form this new class. I completely disapprove of the name since its so dissimilar to the demon hunters of previous Blizzard lore. Maybe i'm wrong and there will be more similarities than I see at first. Here is her into video posted at Blizzcon.


  1. Im looking forward to Diablo 3, as Diablo II was one of my first real PC games.

  2. Of the character classes, this one looks like the most difficult to play (just judging by the gameplay vids). Which could mean it is the most fun in the long-run.

    I almost always play the warrior type class, but I'm also very partial to monk-type classes as well, so my choice will be between those two.

  3. Very cool trailer. Looks pretty decent.

  4. Hey tigress, that thing on my blog was a link to my webcomic ideas. Sorry it was confusing...I fixed it...please come back :)

  5. I was looking at other trailers on YouTube for Diablo 3, and I'm even more exicted now

  6. I shared this vid with my brother, and he's going to buy it for me

  7. Pretty good update thanks for the info.
